Frequently asked questions.Do I really have to rotate my tires?
Your tires should be rotated every 7,500 miles. Neglecting to rotate tires is a major cause of premature tire wear, especially on AWD vehicles.
How often should I change my oil?
It depends on how you drive. If your car always (or nearly always) gets warmed up, and you don’t drive it very hard and keep the revs down, the manufacturer’s recommendation is probably fine. If, however, you drive it hard, drive it at high revs, or alternatively, if you only drive it to and from the supermarket so that it doesn’t get up to temperature, then you may wish to change oil much more often, perhaps at 3000 mile intervals (given that most manufacturers are now specifying 7500 mile intervals.) If you don’t drive your car much at all (say 7500 miles a year), then you probably want to change oil every six months anyway. If you are storing a car during the winter, then change oil before storing it and change oil when you bring it out of storage.
Is it really necessary to change my timing belt at the recommended interval?
Yes, and I mean yes. With today’s close tolerance engines, a broken timing belt can lead to thousands of dollars in engine repairs.
What does it mean if my “check engine” or “service engine soon” light comes on?
There are many sensors and computerized components that manage your vehicle’s engine performance and emissions. When one of these fails, the “check engine” light is illuminated. Although your car may seem to run fine, it is important to have the issue addressed to prevent long-term problems.
What should I do if my car starts to overheat?
This is a very serious problem – if your car overheats for too long, you can damage your engine. As soon as possible, find a safe place to pull off the road and shut the engine off! Do not attempt to check the fluid level in the radiator as it can burn you. The best thing to do is have your car towed to a repair shop.
How do I make sure my car battery has a good electrical connection?
Battery cables and terminals should also be cleaned and inspected to make sure they provide a good electrical connection.
What is synthetic motor oil?
Synthetic motor oils can be a good choice for high output, turbocharged or supercharged engines, vehicles that are used for towing (especially during hot weather), or vehicles that are operated in extremely cold or hot climates. Synthetic motor oils, though several times more expensive than mineral-based motor oils, can improve fuel economy and provide longer intervals between changes. They also provide instant lubrication on start-up.
When should I replace my car’s fuel filter?
o help ensure dependable, trouble-free performance, replace your car’s fuel filter approximately every 30,000 miles or as recommended in your vehicle’s owner’s manual.
When should I change my spark plugs?
We recommend following the manufacturers replacement interval, which could be 30,000 to 100,000 miles depending on the vehicle.
I need to replace a burned out fuse, what should I do?
Always replace burned-out fuses with ones of the same amperage (printed on the fuse) and note that if a fuse continues to “blow,” you should have the circuit checked professionally by one of our technicians for defects.
What do I do when there are delays going in gear?
The problem may be caused by an external part that needs to be adjusted or replaced. It may be an electronic control hindrance. It could also be a problem with the transmission fluid level, which may be low because of leakage. These could potentially require only minor repairs. If your automatic transmission has been overheated or the transmission fluid has become contaminated, internal parts may be damaged. If this is the case, the transmission may need to be disassembled and rebuilt. This would be a major repair. Whatever the cause might be, transmissions never fix themselves. Transmission problems always become worse with time, so having the problem fixed immediately will cost you less. It will be beneficial to you in terms of time and money, in addition to safety. A delay in your transmission is a warning that something is not functioning properly. See a transmission specialists as quickly as possible. If you live in the Tri-Lakes area, we are just around the corner.
What should I do if my car won’t move?
With a vehicle that won’t move, more than likely the vehicle will need to be towed to Facinelli Motors. Transmissions are extremely complex and vary according to year, make and model. You will want to be sure to select expert home town technicians to work on your vehicle and a transmission center that guarantees its work. We have serviced more than 50,000 transmissions and stand ready to get you back on the road.
What should I do if my car will not go into gear?
If your transmission is not going into gear, you have a transmission problem. You will probably need to be towed to Facinelli Motors where the transmission will need to be examined for the cause. If your vehicle may still be driven and you do not want it to be towed, go directly to Facinelli Motors for a Basic Diagnostic Check. When a transmission will not go into gear, various components of the transmission or clutch system are not functioning properly. The problem may be one of a few possibilities, such as an external control needing adjustment or replacement. This is considered to be a minor repair. Take care of this before the damage becomes worse and to avoid being left with a vehicle that won’t operate and is not safe.
How do I know if I have water contamination?
The introduction of a limited amount of water into the engine or differential for a relatively short period of time does not necessarily spell disaster. On the other hand, even a cup of water in an automatic transmission almost always results in serious failure and major repair bills. To avoid this type of trouble, steer clear of deep puddles. Should you park your car, only to return to find that it is submerged in 16 inches of water or more. Do not attempt to start or operate the vehicle. At that point you may have a good chance of avoiding a big repair bill. Call Facinelli Motors for a tow vehicle! Facinelli Motors will evaluate the damage, if any. If you’re fortunate, draining and servicing the transmission may be all that is necessary. If you are not so lucky, in many cases depending on the circumstances, your auto insurance coverage may cover part, if not all, of the damage. A Facinelli Motors professional will be pleased to supply the technical information to your insurance carrier to register a claim.
How Often Should I Receive a Tune-up?
Most cars require regularly scheduled tune-ups yearly and require major maintenance at 30K, 60K, and 90K miles.
What does a Tune Up do?
A proper and routine tune-up allows your engine to work hand-in-hand with the rest of your car’s power train. This is how optimum car performance is achieved.
Why do I need a Tune Up?
A well-tuned engine delivers the best balance of power and fuel economy and produces the lo level of emissions. Modern engines compensate for worn parts to a degree, giving you the sense that everything is fine with your car. A routine tune-up will restore your car to its normal operating state, and contribute to the overall efficiency of the engine and emissions system.
What is a typical Tune Up service?
Based on spark plug type, the replacement interval can range from 30,000 to 100,000 miles. Replace any other ignition system and/or emissions system parts that may be needed or recommended. Replace the fuel and air filters Adjust ignition timing and idle speeds (if applicable). Ensure the onboard computer control system is working properly.
Why does my steering wheel shake when I’m driving down the highway?
- Based on spark plug type, the replacement interval can range from 30,000 to 100,000 miles.
- Replace any other ignition system and/or emissions system parts that may be needed or recommended.
- Replace the fuel and air filters
- Adjust ignition timing and idle speeds (if applicable).
- Ensure the onboard computer control system is working properly.
Why should I change my transmission fluid, power steering fluid, brake fluid, etc.?
The most common issue related to this symptom comes from tire balance. Tire balance is counter weighting any heavy spot (generally the seam) apparent in your tires. The vibration is actually there while driving at slower speeds, but usually is absorbed by the rest of the vehicle. What you are feeling is an amplified version of a wobbly tire. This wobble is quite hard on the steering and suspension and can create premature wear on any of these parts. For this reason it is important to check your tire balance every time your tires are rotated.
How do I know I need a wheel alignment?
Generally people wait to do a wheel alignment until one of two things happens: either the vehicle starts “pulling” one way or the other, or you start to notice abnormal wear on the edges of the tires. If you can notice either one of these symptoms, things have gone too far. The only way to nip these problems in the bud before they cause costly damage is to have your alignment checked on a regular basis, usually twice a year. Most repair facilities will do a free alignment check to tell you if your vehicle is in need of an alignment.
How do I know when it’s time to replace my shocks or struts?
Be it a shock or a strut, whether on its way out or completely blown, both display similar symptoms. You can generally tell when a shock or strut is going bad by checking for leakage around the seal. When a shock or strut is blown, there is no more capacity for absorbing bumps, and the symptom usually feels like you are bouncing down the road. Shocks and struts usually last anywhere from 60,000 to 80,000 miles and are easily inspected by any qualified repair facility.
My Car Is Making A Pinging Sound. What Does It Mean?
Most likely, a pinging sound coming from your engine indicates timing problems. Sometimes pinging is caused by poor quality or low octane fuel. Pinging can cause damage. We strongly advise that to have your car checked out by a professional to determine what whether it’s causing damage.
Are There Any Special Signs I Should Look For When Purchasing A Used Car?
Have the car checked out by Facinelli Motors. If you do not have a car checked out by a professional you are making a big mistake. The cost is very minor and we always give a buyer more ammunition for bringing the price down. Money spent on checking out a used car is well spent.
Do I have to go to the dealer for service to maintain my warranty?
No. That myth has been around for years. We provide the same factory service at a better price. You do have to return to the dealer for warranty and recall repairs.
How Often Should Belts and Hoses Be Replaced?
Most hose manufacturers recommend replacing hoses every four years — with V-belts, every three years or 36,000 miles. The incidence of failure rises sharply after the fourth year for hoses and third year for belts. A typical serpentine belt lifespan is about five years or 50,000 miles. Serpentine belts are thinner and more flexible than V-belts. They run cooler and last longer, but they cost about twice as much to replace.
What Should Be Included In A “Complete Brake Job?”
A complete brake job should restore a vehicle’s brake system and braking performance to good-as-new condition. Anything less would be an incomplete brake job. Brake components that should be replaced will obviously depend upon the age, mileage and wear. There is no pat answer to which items need replacing and which ones don’t. It’s a judgment call. A complete brake job should begin with a thorough inspection of the entire brake system; lining condition, rotors and drums, calipers and wheel cylinders, brake hardware, hoses, lines and master cylinder.
Do you honor aftermarket warranties?
Most of the time, yes. Some policies require you to return to the seller for repairs.
What are OES and OEM parts?
OES (original equipment supplier) or OEM (original equipment manufacturer) are the parts we use in almost all repairs. They are the same quality parts your car came standard with originally.